Sunday 8 May 2011


Hooray! The Add Image icon is working this morning!
This photo is of the 'tea-cosy' aquilegias which disappeared from yesterday's post while I was trying to close up the gaps which mysteriously appear just as you think you've finished.And here's Ashley, Kath, pretending he can't be seen. He chooses half-hidden places to sleep away the day. When I had a greenhouse he would make a nest in the long grass between the greenhouse and the wire fence - in full view of the neighbours. Last year I posted a photo of him under the conifer.
I've just seen the date - it's VE Day.


Kath said...

Hi Silve, I would not have spotted Ashley if you had not pointed him out!
Yes VE day, a big air display near here, which has been entertaining.

Sylve said...

Lucky you! You didn't even have to travel to watch it.