Wednesday, 27 November 2013


I've finished the next batch of cat blankets for the RSPCA and will take them to Quainton in a day or two. I'm gradually getting through my crate of wool but I'm not going to buy any more just yet. I've dragged my old magnifying light from upstairs and (providing I don't trip over the cable) can more or less see to do stitching. For part of the day, at least. Back come the hexies I was making during the summer...
But here are the latest batch of blankets... I don't know why I didn't always do knitted borders on blankets rather than a separate crochet edging. Much more sensible!
I do try not to replicate a pattern/design in the same batch...
This is the kind of pattern to do while watching TV, football, reading, talking. It doesn't need any thought. Just OK for Knit and Natter, which is often Natter and Knit!
This pattern is very useful for using up small balls of wool, small blocks of colour.
 As is this one, above, even a few yards can be used to make stripes in an individual 'patch'...
And this one was the least attractive piece of knitting to do. The yarn was given to me. It has a shiny
thread running through it  which tended to separate from the other yarn so you could easily knit it as two stitches instead of one.

I've bought a Tumbler template and am gradually cutting a few pieces to make a handstitched version though, as usual, I don't know what it will be if I ever get round to finishing it. I've only cut 11 shapes at the moment... and I found a box of Tumbling Blocks I must have started about 3 years ago and given up on as I didn't have enough materials to choose a colour in three different tones. But I've been buying FQs for some time now, so I should have enough to do some more.

It's quite gloomy today, but better than scraping the car windows yesterday morning. It was the first real frost. I'm sure it won't be the last!

Keep well, everyone.

1 comment:

Kath said...

Nice one(s) Silve! I shall be taking you to our next show.n.tell!