Monday, 16 January 2012


A friend brought me a carrier bag of apples which weren't good enough to wrap and store so it's now a case of using them as quickly as possible. Blackbirds will have them if they aren't suitable for cooking use.
I found this recipe which, from the annotation, I last made in 2003; the trouble is that living on my own I now have to eat the whole pud! Ain't that sad! The recipe comes from 'The WI book of Cakes' which I've had for years and written comments in as well.
I peeled and cored then stewed the apples down to a pulp, leaving the result to drip through a colander since I don't have a sieve any more - a tea strainer's too small...
For the cake mix it's 8 oz flour, 4 oz each marg and (they say) soft brown sugar plus an egg.
Melt the marg and mix with the sugar, add the lightly beaten egg and mix well. Stir in the flour.
Spread 2/3rds of the mix on the bottom of the tin/container then add the apples plus a handful of dried fruit, sultanas in this case.It doesn't matter if the apples are still steaming. Plop the remainder of the mix over the top where it will spread during cooking to cover the apple layer.
The oven needs preheating to 180C, Mark 4, well, I did 3 1/2 and it was OK. Takes 45 mins to cook.Eat and enjoy.

The cores and peelings went into a plastic bag to go down to the stables for the chickens. Bella, the dog, thought I'd gone to play with her and Tig, the cat, sat watching through half closed eyes. She looks just like Alice in Wonderland's Cheshire Cat. Helen had gone riding on one of her horses and the other two in the field were whinnying all the time. Stuart is building a shed, very slowly...and it was cold!


Marigold Jam said...

Sounds delicious Sylvie. You could also use your apples to make a West country apple cake and cut it into portions and freeze it - it can then be eaten as and when you want a portion for dessert or with a cup of tea. Let me know if you want the recipe.

Sylve said...

Oh, yes please, Jane. I often wish I had a little something to have with a cuppa - for me it's the something I look forward to, not so much the cuppa!

Sarah Elisabeth said...
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Sarah Elisabeth said...
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Sarah Elisabeth said...
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Dutch Duo said...

Used to love your cakes as a child. actually still do

Sylve said...

At last!!!